Opening Sesson -- Equinox and Missouri Evergreen Consortium
Jennifer WestonDone
MEC General Membership Meeting
Ron EifertDone
Authorities -- Catalog Committee
Kate ColemanDone
Welcome and Social Time
Steve PotterDone
Lunch and Social Time
Steve PotterDone
All About Aspen
Felicia BeaudryDone
Wrap Up and Closing Session
Steve PotterDone
Steve PotterDone
What's Going On with Boarding? An Introduction to the New and Improved Onboarding Committee
Mary Kay EmmrichDone
MALA and All Things Courier
Jane Mulvihill-JonesDone
Diane has worked for Scenic Regional Library, a nine branch, three county library district headquartered in Union, MO, for seventeen years. Currently, she is Circulation and Special Projects Coordinator. She has a Human Services degree from the University of Tennessee, When her young children attended a school that had no centralized library in 1992, she offered to create one. She has worked in school and public libraries ever since. She serves on the Executive Board of Missouri Evergreen Consortium.
The best way to help your library users get the items they want is to better manage your transit list, tweak permissions, and address hopeless holds. Attend this session to learn all you need to know about these important processes.
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